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Santa came early

By Tara Zandra | December 8, 2013

Over the last two days I spent 6 1/2 hours driving my children to and from birthday parties. That is not what I call a good time.

Today Daisy kept saying it was Christmas and eventually also said that Santa left us each something. I didn’t really pay attention but later walked into the living room and noticed this.


Those are large, plastic animals in our stockings. A dinosaur, a shark, a whale, and a horse. Kind of funny, kind of odd.

After all the party madness and dinner, we had a sedate evening of watching Jack Frost while putting together a holiday puzzle. I thought we’d get it done in no time but we’ve barely finished the outside. Guess it’ll be sitting there for a few more days [weeks].

Today’s picture is Daisy with her tinsel tree complete with pickle ornament. It’s the only one on it because we haven’t trimmed the trees yet but she just bought the ornament last week.


Topics: Life |

One Response to “Santa came early”

  1. Melissa Says:
    December 10th, 2013 at 1:45 pm

    I’ve been meaning to ask you - have Daisy’s cough issues ever completely resolved?
