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It’s the perfect blendship

By Tara Zandra | May 17, 2016

So last night I had an intimate dream about someone who is and always has been just a friend. And honesty, it was a fairly PG dream, it mainly stood out that this was a friend. And I woke with simply warm and fuzzy thoughts for my friend and that’s not a bad thing.
I think it was triggered by my feeling a bit set apart from my friends lately. I’ve always been the type with just a few close friends in my circle and that’s it. I’m not big on parties and I don’t like to be around a lot of people at once. Facebook has been wonderful for me as it allows me to keep in touch with a lot of people at once. I can then just meet up with one friend at a time without feeling like I’m neglecting anyone. I can touch bases by message with those I don’t see so often and this works for me.

But I still have a few friends, very few, that I see a bit more often and lately I’m feeling alienated from many of my friends. I know one part of that is I’m really tired of being asked about Tabitha’s future and being given advice I did not ask for. There are definitely more than a few people who feel it necessary to give me their opinion on why our plan for her can and should be different. Here’s the thing about me- I rarely ask for advice because I’m the type that makes a decision and that’s it. That’s the decision. And I go with that decision and see no need to analyze it and think of a hundred different scenarios or things I could be doing differently.
This trait of mine has worked out really well my whole life.

If I am in fact unsure on a given situation, first I try to figure it out on my own by imagining what people would most likely tell me in that situation. If I really need help, I’ve got Chris. He’s pretty darn good at listening to me ramble which sometimes just leads to me figuring it out and other times he offers his opinion.

Because I ask him for it.

In general the theme of friendship has been weighing on me lately. I think the dream was there to remind me to feel good about my friends. I suppose it would also be a good time to check myself and see what kind of friend I am being to others.

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