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the good
By Tara Zandra | July 12, 2014
Park was so lovely yesterday. There was a breeze that didn’t make me cold which is a minor miracle. My favorite friend was there to chat with whist the children ran about. My older and my younger had friends there. Very nice.
We went out to dinner with my mom and sister which is rare treat. I had us go super early because of our long week at competition and it’s a good thing I did. Daisy was up and down and not in the mood to eat- you’d think she was 4. Not disruptive, as she’s too old to be like that, but definitely squirrely and not what one would expect from a child her age. So when we were home she still had a couple hours before bedtime to just be and that’s what I wanted.
She and Tabs played a brutal few rounds of Slap Jack. Apparently they flick each other if there is a false slap and they argue over every jack- a fingernail was broken, red marks were left- crazy! But they laughed their butts off so I guess it was fun?
Daisy wanted to play hide and go seek but no one else was in the mood until she pathetically played it by herself. So I gave in and told her to hide while I counted. Came to find Tabitha hiding. She then not only joined in every round, she initiated one because she had a good spot. I hid once while Tabitha was seeking and she almost didn’t find me, but then I laughed
It was good.
Picture from the July 4th parade. Because why wouldn’t you wear this if you were going to be in a parade?
Topics: Life, The Kiddies |